In The Works

These are the current projects that we’re working on.
Click on an image to learn more.



  • Electric Handcycle Hitch Rack – Coming soon.  With use of an electric jack we built a rack that will raise and lower your handcycle with a flick of a switch!  With time we plan to refine this rack and have it available to the public in 2018.
  • George’s Ramp rack – George bought a Bomber from us and wanted to carry it in his full size SUV.  So we built a rack that inserted into his hitch receiver that allowed George to ramp his Bomber in and out of his SUV.  Adjustable width and soon to have adjustable height.
  • Jet Ramp – Jet bought a Bomber with e-assist and wanted to carry it inside his van (I know, the video shows a different car for convenience), so we built him the “Jet” ramp.  It’s all aluminum, fold-able and is a great way to load your handcycle into the rear of your car.  Requires a hitch receiver.

Electric Handcycyle Hitch Rack

George’s Handcycyle Hitch Rack

George’s Handcycyle Hitch Rack

Jet Ramp Handcycyle Hitch Rack

News from ReActive Adaptations

The Best in Offroad Handcycles & Recumbent Bikes

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Digging early morning rides on my favorite place on earth. Can only get there with my #reactive-adaptations #offroadhandcycle This is my pee spot, the end of the long climb where I take a breath, pee and eat a snack before heading home. It’s the small things that make life good find your spot. #amtb , ... See MoreSee Less

Digging early morning rides on my favorite place on earth. Can only get there with my #reactive-adaptations #offroadhandcycle   This is my pee spot, the end of the long climb where I take a breath, pee and eat a snack before heading home. It’s the small things that make life good find your spot. #amtb ,

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What an epic morning, thanks for sharing the pee spot.

A new #wildcatkidshandcycle boxed up and ready to go. Complete with duel steering, #velocityusa wheelset, #shimanoalfine8 rear internal hub , illusion lite blue paint job and huge amounts of adjustment to fit any kiddo out there! #kidshandcycling #AMTB ... See MoreSee Less

A new #wildcatkidshandcycle boxed up and ready to go. Complete with duel steering, #velocityusa wheelset, #shimanoalfine8 rear internal hub , illusion lite blue paint job and huge amounts of adjustment to fit any kiddo out there!  #kidshandcycling #amtbImage attachmentImage attachment+1Image attachment

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You create great art, Amigo.

This guy is an ANIMAL on the Hammerhead!!!! ... See MoreSee Less

Welding tip of the day. Don’t grab onto hot welds. Sometimes I need a reminder. #stupidstupidstupid #weldporn ... See MoreSee Less

Welding tip of the day. Don’t grab onto hot welds. Sometimes I need a reminder. #stupidstupidstupid #weldporn

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Was it hot. No just doesn't take me to long to look at it

Yikes and ouch!!! Heal fast!!!

Day 2 of my son’s new bike. Slow going. More complicated than a kids bike should be but this is how most of my projects go. I think the end product should be super cool. #customkidsbike #12inchbike ... See MoreSee Less

Day 2 of my son’s new bike. Slow going.  More complicated than a kids bike should be but this is how most of my projects go. I think the end product should be super cool. #customkidsbike #12inchbike

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Looking forward to seeing the final product!

When the kids and dogs take a nap I escape into the shop and build the ideas that pop into my head every time I ride one of my #reactiveadaptations #offroadhandcycles. Pictured is a prototype swingarm for my new #makooffroadhandcycle. Shorter and more compact for greater traction and wide enough for the new wheel I’m going to build. Looking forward to holding this on and testing! (Stop working and feed me!). #testingtesting #feedthedog #its5oclocksomewhere #alwaysinnovating ... See MoreSee Less

When the kids and dogs take a nap I escape into the shop and build the ideas that pop into my head every time I ride one of my #reactiveadaptations #offroadhandcycles. Pictured is a prototype swingarm for my new #makooffroadhandcycle. Shorter and more compact for greater traction and wide enough for the new wheel I’m going to build. Looking forward to holding this on and testing!  (Stop working and feed me!). #testingtesting #feedthedog #its5oclocksomewhere #alwaysinnovatingImage attachmentImage attachment

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What kind of tube bender do u use?

Damn I love seeing your ideas, craftsmanship (personship) and then ….. the welds. Not gonna lie . They’re hot Yep Dad joke pun intended 🙄🤪

Day 1 of building my son’s new pedal bike. He’s rippin around on the balance bike I built so I guess it’s time to bring it to the next level. Just hope I’m up for the thrashing dad’s soon gonna get once he figures out how to pedal instead of “stride”. #custommadekidsbike ... See MoreSee Less

Day 1 of building my son’s new pedal bike. He’s rippin around on the balance bike I built so I guess it’s time to bring it to the next level. Just hope I’m up for the thrashing dad’s soon gonna get once he figures out how to pedal instead of “stride”. #custommadekidsbikeImage attachment

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Jake, what do you use for a frame jig?

Ooohhhh lookin good!

Fuck yay

Out gettin some exercise on my #makooffroadhandcycle before the rain comes. Didn’t make it very far up cement creek road before I found the snow. Couple more weeks …..#burningwinterenergy ... See MoreSee Less

Out gettin some exercise on my #makooffroadhandcycle before the rain comes.  Didn’t make it very far up cement creek road before I found the snow. Couple more weeks …..#burningwinterenergyImage attachment

@higherground_usa #stingeroffroadrecumbent is in it’s way north! #offroadrecumbenttriking #recumbenttrike ... See MoreSee Less

@higherground_usa #stingeroffroadrecumbent is in it’s way north!  #offroadrecumbenttriking #recumbenttrikeImage attachmentImage attachment+4Image attachment

Had a good time riding amongst the smaller animals this weekend. #familybikeride #futuremountainbiker #adaptiveoffroad #AMTB ... See MoreSee Less

Had a good time riding amongst the smaller animals this weekend.   #familybikeride #futuremountainbiker #adaptiveoffroad #amtb

It’s 9pm. Making some small mods. Can’t wait to test this beast tomorrow. #makingitbetter #makooffroadhandcycle #amtb ... See MoreSee Less

It’s 9pm. Making some small mods. Can’t wait to test this beast tomorrow. #makingitbetter #makooffroadhandcycle #amtb

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Sick hand cycle.

Look great

Reno Mako?!?!?

Challenged Athletes Foundation -Idaho is hosting their 4th annual adaptive mountain biking weekend May 30th- June 2nd in Boise Idaho. Reactive Adaptations with be there with a few demo handcycles to try out including the full suspension #hammerheadoffroadhandcycle and #makooffroadhandcycle , the #wildcatkidshandcycle and the #nukeoffroadhandcycle. For more information check out We hope to see you there! ... See MoreSee Less

Challenged Athletes Foundation -Idaho is hosting their 4th annual adaptive mountain biking weekend May 30th- June 2nd in Boise Idaho. Reactive Adaptations with be there with a few demo handcycles to try out including the full suspension #hammerheadoffroadhandcycle and #makooffroadhandcycle , the #wildcatkidshandcycle and the #nukeoffroadhandcycle. For more information check out We hope to see you there!Image attachmentImage attachment+3Image attachment

Can wait to ride my new #makooffroadhandcycle tomorrow! ... See MoreSee Less

Can wait to ride my new #makooffroadhandcycle tomorrow!

3 CommentsComment on Facebook

Love the innovative touches

What improvements did you make…do tell!

Three #nukeoffroadhandcyles headed to opposite sides of the country. Seattle Washington, Clinton Mississippi and Aspen Colorado. All three are equipped with quad brakes and quad grips, electric systems and ready just in time to hit the trails this summer! #AMTB #offroadhandcycles #reactiveadaptations #adaptivemountainbike ... See MoreSee Less

Three #nukeoffroadhandcyles headed to opposite sides of the country. Seattle Washington, Clinton Mississippi and Aspen Colorado. All three are equipped with quad brakes and quad grips, electric systems and ready just in time to hit the trails this summer!  #amtb #offroadhandcycles #reactiveadaptations #adaptivemountainbikeImage attachmentImage attachment+5Image attachment

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Wow, you've been busy!!

O getting stoked for summer. Finished up the welding of my new #makooffroadhandcycle tonight. Assembly tomorrow. Hope to be testing this next week! New design! #innovations #offroadhandcycling #AMTB #lightershorterhappier ... See MoreSee Less

O getting stoked for summer. Finished up the welding of my new #makooffroadhandcycle tonight. Assembly tomorrow. Hope to be testing this next week!    New design!  #innovations #offroadhandcycling #amtb #lightershorterhappierImage attachment

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Show it off when it’s completed. Your cycles are epic.

Ooohhh la la!! Very svelte!

I would love to see how this progresse. It looks awesome so far

A new Wildcat kids offroad handcycle is boxed up and ready to ship up north to WA to the AIROW Project ( AIROW Project ( Adaptive & Inclusive Recreation of Whatcom County) is nonprofit 501 (3) (c) this bike will be used for their youth program! @the_airow_project #wildcatkidshandcycle #adaptivemtnbiking #kidshandcycling #offroadhandcycling #amtb ... See MoreSee Less

A new Wildcat kids offroad handcycle is boxed up and ready to ship up north to WA to the AIROW Project ( AIROW Project ( Adaptive & Inclusive Recreation of Whatcom County) is nonprofit 501 (3) (c) this bike will be used for their youth program!  @the_airow_project #wildcatkidshandcycle #adaptivemtnbiking #kidshandcycling #offroadhandcycling #amtbImage attachmentImage attachment+2Image attachment

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I'm running those Slant 6's

Only a couple more weeks until the @kellybrushfdn #activefundgrant application deadline!!! What are you waiting for? The Kelly Brush Foundation is literally buying folks with spinal cord injuries Adaptive’s equipment of their choice! Free money!!
#freeadaptiveequipment #offroadhandcycling #whatadeal #adaptivesports #adaptivemtbiking
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Only a couple more weeks until the @kellybrushfdn #activefundgrant application deadline!!!   What are you waiting for?  The Kelly Brush Foundation is literally buying folks with spinal cord injuries Adaptive’s equipment of their choice!  Free money!!
#freeadaptiveequipment #offroadhandcycling #whatadeal #adaptivesports #adaptivemtbikingImage attachmentImage attachment+2Image attachment

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Can an adaptive sports program ask for grants for equipment. Or is it only riders

Mr Smith’s fat tire #makooffroadhandcycle has been tested, boxed up and is ready to ship. Custom sea foam green paint job from @monumentpowder. Full suspension with #foxfloat shocks at all three wheels. #csttires , #bafang 750w #electricassist with a standard color display. This Mako also comes with a standard mountain bike wheelset for summertime riding!
#fullsuspensiontrike #adaptivemountainbike #reactiveadaptations
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Mr Smith’s fat tire #makooffroadhandcycle has been tested, boxed up and is ready to ship. Custom sea foam green paint job from @monumentpowder. Full suspension with #foxfloat shocks at all three wheels. #csttires , #bafang 750w #electricassist with a standard color display. This Mako also comes with a standard mountain bike wheelset for summertime riding!
#fullsuspensiontrike #adaptivemountainbike #reactiveadaptationsImage attachmentImage attachment+2Image attachment

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It looks great can’t wait to take it out on the trail!🤩

Rode my Bomber today. Made me smile big.

#dreamingofdirt #bomberoffroadhandcycle #adaptive #singletrackmind #AMTB #treehugger #offroadhandcycling #wanttoridemybike ... See MoreSee Less

#dreamingofdirt #bomberoffroadhandcycle #adaptive #singletrackmind #amtb #treehugger #offroadhandcycling #wanttoridemybike

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That’s a wet dream, Bro. You need a tissue?

11 months ago

We’re really digging the new Plateau Green powder coating of Tyler’s new Hammerhead off road handcycle. Tyler picked this color himself and I think we might have to add it to our standard color list! Tyler’s #hammerheadoffroadhandcycle came out super clean and we hope he enjoys it. It comes with 26” wheels/tires, 750w electric assist system, carbon fiber seat and knee trays and full suspension! ... See MoreSee Less

We’re really digging the new Plateau Green powder coating of Tyler’s new Hammerhead off road handcycle.  Tyler picked this color himself and I think we might have to add it to our standard color list!  Tyler’s #hammerheadoffroadhandcycle came out super clean and we hope he enjoys it. It comes with 26” wheels/tires, 750w electric assist system, carbon fiber seat and knee trays and full suspension!Image attachmentImage attachment+3Image attachment

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That's a great color Jake O'Connor. 👍

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