The Klondike Crawl & the Capable BOMBER Off Road Handcycle

So we get a lot of questions from both AB and disabled riders.  Probably the most asked question is “Where can you ride that thing?”.  Our Answer, ANYWHERE.   At this point, the questioner rolls their eyes and in their mind they remark “yeah right”.   Well, it”s true.

Last week we had the opportunity to ride Klondike Bluff in Moab Utah.  Typically the Klondike Bluff ride is a great beginner ride for handcycles with some great entry level technically problems.  This year, due to high use from 4×4″s and excessive rains, the trail out to Klondike slickrock had some really tough and technical crawling problems.

The pictures below show the crux on the Klondike trail.  A 15-16″ tall shelf with a 10 – 20% sandy approach grade.

Pictured is a modified Bomber with 26″ wheels for frame of reference.